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  • 掛軸を知る
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  • カタログ
  • カタログ


Kakejiku is an important item that allows you to feel the change of the four seasons in your daily life while enjoying various events and seasonal changes.
It is also often used to entertain visitors.
Please hang a hanging scroll that matches the season and the occasion.


掛軸の歴史 掛軸の各部名称 掛軸ができるまで
history name of parts how to make a kakejiku
掛軸の収納方法 掛け方・しまい方
how to store how to use

〒501-0438 岐阜県本巣郡北方町平成7-33【 MAP
TEL 058-323-1810
メールでのお問い合わせ / 求人情報 / 個人情報保護方針
